How do I enable forwarding in Plesk Control Panel?
Procedure to enable enable forwarding in Plesk Control Panel :
Windows Reseller Web Hosting comes with plesk control panel. You will be able to enable the forwarding from Windows Reseller Account. Please find the below procedure to enable the forwarding from your Plesk Control Panel.
[1] Access your control panel at [ Example :https://www.servername:8443 ]
[2] Click on subscriptions.
[3] Click on subscription name.
[4] Click the Websites & Domains tab.
[5] Click on Hosting Settings.
[6] Click on Hosting type [Change]
[7] Enable Forwarding
[8] Forwarding :-You will get 2 options if you select forwarding.
a) Standard forwarding:- In this a user is redirected to the site and the actual site’s URL is shown in the user’s browser, so the user always knows that he or she is redirected to another URL.
b) Frame forwarding:- In this a user is redirected to the site without knowing that the site actually resides at another location, therefore, Frame forwarding should be preferred.
c) Specify the destination URL: the current Web site address that you would like this domain to point to
[9] Click ok