How do I sync the service plan in Plesk Control Panel?
Windows Reseller web hosting allows you to create the package as per your requirements in your Plesk Control panel. This procedure allows you to sync the service plan with your domain.
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Procedure to sync the service plan in Plesk Control Panel
Windows Reseller Web Hosting comes with Plesk Control Panel. If you have allocated any resources as unlimited or greater than your reseller account resource,then your domain will not sync with the plan. You need to allocate the resources for all your domains within the resources allocated to your whole reseller account.
Please find the below procedure to sync the Service Plan in Plesk Control Panel
[1] Access your control panel at [ Example :https://www.servername:8443 ]
[2] Click on subscriptions.
[3] Click on the subscription name.
[4] Click on sync option.
This will list the parameters which you need to reduce in your plan or service plan. Change the same in your plan and again click on sync.