How to create an email id in Plesk Control Panel ?
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Procedure to create an email id in Plesk Control Panel :
Windows Reseller Web Hosting comes with plesk control panel. You will be able to add a email id under a domain name using Plesk Control Panel. Please follow the below procedure to create a email id in Plesk Control Panel.
[1] Access your control panel at [ Example : ]
[2] Click on subscriptions
[3] Click your subscription name
[4] Click on mail tab and click create email address
If you cannot see mail tab, then you might have not allocated email ids for your domain, during that time allocate mail ids for your domain continue the procedure
Enter the following Details :
a. Username : Supply the user name [ Must be less than 8 chars ]
b. Access to the Customer Panel [ KEEP THIS CHECKED ]
c. Password : Supply the password
d. Re-type Password : Retype password
e. Mailbox [ KEEP THIS CHECKED ]
f. Mailbox quota – Let the size remain as it is.
[5] Click on ok.
Note : Now you can able to access the mail id in webmail as “”