How do I Add a domain name [ or host a domain name ] in my Reseller Account Plesk ?
Reseller Account Plesk has direct option to host the domain in the Server. Windows Reseller Web Hosting allows you to host (or) create multiple domains in the Plesk using the below mentioned procedure.
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Procedure to create a subscription in Plesk Control Panel :
Windows Reseller Web Hosting comes with Plesk Control Panel. You will able to host the domain from your windows reseller hosting account. Please find the below procedure to host the domain.
[1] Access your control panel at [ Example :https://www.servername:8443 ]
[2] Click on subscriptions.
[3] Click on Add New Subscriptions.
[4] Give your Domain name.
[5] Give FTP user name and password for this domain. [Make sure you are giving very tough password].
[6] Choose your Service plan.
[7] Do not check the “Proceed to customizing the subscription parameters after it is created” option, unless you understand what it does.
[8] Click on ok.