
How to manage mail contacts in horde webmail interface in linux reseller webhosting ?

How to manage mail contacts in horde webmail interface in linux reseller webhosting ?

In this article we are going to learn how to manage our email contacts in horde webmail interface.First we know about what is webmail, webamil is a tool that allows you to send and read mails directly from any computer connected to the internet.Compared to three webmail interface, horde is considered as fully featured.Horde webmail comes with features such as calendar, task list, notebook, address book, and more. The e-mail management system includes support for advanced filters, attachments, spell checking, and displays HTML e-mail well.Horde also comes with Task management functions, whereby you can list your task, set the task as reminders and keep track of the task progress.

Now we are know about the procedure to manage contacts in horde interface.

1.Login to the horde webmail.

2.Click the Address Book icon.

3.Under that option you are able to see the new contact option,here you can create the new address book.

4.Fill the information about the contact and click add.Here you can add multiple contacts.

5.The new contact has been added to our address book.

6.Browse option : Here you can Browse all contacts within the address book by clicking Browse.

7.Edit option : Clicking this icon will let you edit the contac

8.vcard option : Clicking this icon will download the contact’s vcard

9.While clicking the contact’s name will show you all information about the contact.

10 After selecting the contact, you can use these links to delete, edit or export the contact

11) From here you can search for contacts in your address book.

Now we have to easily manage our contacs in horde webamil interface.