
How to connect the ftp via browser in linux server hosting?

In this article we are going to see about how to connect the ftp using browser.In normal shared hosting environment there is no option to connect the ftp using browser.If you are going to access your ftp using the format it does not connect the browser.Because the server uses the highest form of security.Hence it will not connect as However you can connect as for this to work you should have a client like winscp installed in your system. because this is insecure and travels as plain text.

Kindly follow the below steps to install the winscp in your local system,

1.Download the winscp ftp software
2.Install that software in your local server
3.Access the ftp in browser like ftpes://
4.After enter the url it will open that winscp software
5.Here you can enter your Username and password
6.Click ok

It will connect your local system and remote server.

Kindly follow the above steps and access your ftp using browsers.