Managed Dedicated Server Hosting

How to Increase Mail Delivery Reports?

Mail delivery report is used to search for emails that users on your system sent and received. In most of the servers by default it shows the report for two days only. But in dedicated server  we can able to tweak the settings as silicon house provides you the root access for their dedicated servers.

Steps to follow to view mail delivery report :

1) Login to the WHM

2) Click Email >> Mail Delivery Reports.

3)Then search for a date for which you want to see the mail delivery report.

In most of the servers defaultly it shows the report for two days only. But in dedicated server we can able to tweak the settings as siliconhouse provides you the root access for their dedicated servers.

Follow the below steps to increase the retention of the mail delivery report :

1) Login to the WHM

2) Click Server Configuration > Tweak Settings

3) Then click on ” Stats and Logs” tab , after that in the option ” The interval, in days, to retain Exim stats in the database ” , you can increase this from the default of “10” to begin preserving Exim data for more than 10 days

By following the above mentioned steps you can able customize your mail report settings.