Troubleshooting: Package creation error “cannot use due to limits”

First we should know about package, packages are predefined limitations on the resources that an account can use. For example, you may use a package to specify how much disk space an account is allotted. The system bundles and saves these limitations in the package so that you can apply them to accounts later. This makes it easier to set up new accounts, because you can sell predefined packages to your cPanel account holders and resellers. Next we could see about what are the features available in package.
There are four options present under the package option.
1.Add a Package
2.Delete a Package
3.Edit a Package
3.Feature Manager
Packages also allow you to limit options available inside of the cPanel using Feature Lists. Creating a feature list is easy, in WHM, click on the “Feature Manager,” select a name for the new feature list and click “Add.” The next screen will have a long list of features that you may disable by removing the check from the box next to the name of the feature.
You can set the package limitations:
1.Disk Quota (MB) – Disk space in megabytes available for the cPanel account.
2.Monthly Bandwidth (MB) – Data transfer in megabytes available for the cPanel account.
3.Max FTP Accounts – Allowed accounts that can be created to connect via FTP.
4.Max Email Accounts – Total email addresses that can be created on the account.
5.Max Email Lists – Set number of mailing lists which can be generated in the cPanel.
6.Max Databases – Maximum MySQL databases the account can have.
7.Max Sub Domains – The allowed number of subdomains that can be added.
When trying to create a package you got the error “cannot use due to limits” when selecting a package.
1.Does the package offering exceed your reseller limits
2.It is due to bandwidth/disk space limits you have set for the package.
1.Bandwidth must NEVER be set to unlimited as this will cause the package to be unusable. Set to “9999” to bandwidth.You can use “Unlimited” for all other values, just not disk/bandwidth.  If you want unlimited, enter a value such as 99999.
2. Resellers must enter a value for disk space and bandwidth even if wanting to create an unlimited package.