How do I Point MX record of a Domain Name to Google Apps under my Reseller Account WHM ?

Linux Reseller Web Hosting WHM provides the way to point the mail server alone to Google Apps through the Edit DNS zone option. This procedure is common for Dedicated Server Hosting

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Reseller Hosting MX record of a Domain Name To Google Apps

If you want to have mail with google for your domain, You need to visit the URL

Once you got the MX, cname records from the google, You need to add those records in the DNS settings of your domain in the hosting control panel.

Please follow the below procedure to set up DNS for google Apps as,

1. Login to your WHM
2. Under DNS Functions link, click on Edit DNS zone
3. Choose the DNS Zone to edit
4. Click on Edit button
Add the new records under “Add New Entries Below this Line”
5. Point the MX entry provided by Google – (Select MX from drop down menu) Enter the MX record in the text box against MX
6. Point the cname provided by Google – (Select CNAME from drop down menu) Enter the CNAME record in the text box against CNAME
7. Remove the MX and mail CNAME record which is pointing to our server.
8. Change the mail router to remote mail server at the end.
9. Click on Save button.

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How to change Mail Routing Exchanger in WHM ?

Please Follow the below procedure to change the Mail Routing Exchanger for your Domain in WHM,


  1. Login to WHM
  2. Go to the Path  Home »  DNS Functions  » Edit DNS Zone
  3. Choose the corresponding Domain name and click “Edit”
  4. Scroll Down You can able to see ” Email Routing ” Option ,
  5. Below that choose “Local Mail Exchanger”,                                                                     Automatically Detect Configuration (recommended) more »
    Local Mail Exchanger more »
    Backup Mail Exchanger more »
    Remote Mail Exchanger more »
  6. Click Save.


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