How to secure website running in cPanel Reseller Hosting Plan

Please find the below article which describes how to secure your website which is running in cPanel Linux Reseller Hosting Plan.

Regarding Admin panel and Password :

You have to maintain the toughest password for admin and cpanel password. The password should be in alphanumerical format. [ example – M*#@YDS$@ew42PLA ]

Regarding image upload folder :

You have to keep the upload folder outside of public_html and then you can call those files via coding in cPanel Reseller Hosting Plan. Also make sure that only image file upload must be allowed and that too with MIME check in it.

[Note : Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type – It is mainly used to identify the format of a file while the transaction between the webserver and the browser. Example of a MIME type is image/jpeg for images, text/css for css. This is mainly used to avoid renaming of files by the hackers]

  1. Keep your local system free from virus and malware
  2. Always use genuine OS in your system
  3. Use anti-virus,firewall and anti-malware tools to protect your system
  4. Always use tough passwords like 3r48d*#R#T&3023r
  5. Keep Changing the passwors for mail, ftp, whm, cpanel etc regularly
  6. In your website if you are using open source cms like word press, joomla, drupal etc. make sure that they are upto date
  7. Never use 777 permissions for files or folders
  8. Make sure that your admin module of your website too has tough passwords
  9. If you upload images, files to a folder, better protect those folders with proper permission and also URL protect them so that no one can access them from outside
  10. Make sure that your coding is well optimised and is not vulnerable
    11.Check on your coding with your developers and investigate any vulnerabilities are there in your application.