How do I Terminate a Domain Name under my Reseller Hosting Account ?

Linux Reseller Web Hosting have the option to remove the domain name via WHM using te direct termination option. Please follow the below procedure to termiante the domain name in Reseller account and in dedicated servers.

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Reseller Hosting Terminating a Domain Procedure

You can able to terminate the domain using the below procedure ,

1. Login to the WHM,
2. Home »Account Functions »Terminate an Account
3. Select the domain name
4. Click on terminate

[ If you Select Keep DNS Zone (necessary if removing an account because you have already moved it to a different server in the same DNS cluster) option before termination, you will not be able to recreate the same domain again in the server ] .

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Troubleshooting FAQs

Reseller Hosting [WHM] Troubleshooting FAQs

Use of Keep DNS Zone option while Terminating the Domain in WHM

If you Select Keep DNS Zone option while terminating the domain it will keep the DNS zone and you will not be able to create the doamin again successfully.

Please use the below procedure to terminate the domain at your end.

1. Login to the WHM,
2. Home »Account Functions »Terminate an Account
3. Select the domain name
4. Click on terminate

* Uncheck the option Keep DNS Zone while terminating the domain, if you want to recreate the domain again in the same server.


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