How to get my emails delivered to the inbox instead of the spam folder ?

Linux Reseller Hosting have several best practices and tips that you can follow to improve your reputation and deliverability.With any email service & any set of contacts you will always have some emails end up in the spam folder. Every receiving ISP is using different spam filtering techniques and some ISP’s utilize some unpredictable and creative ways of combating spam. So you will undoubtedly have some emails filtered at some point when sending emails campaigns.

You can blacklist the particular email id or particular domain which is sending spam mails by following the below procedure,

1.Login to the cpanel of the domain
2.Click on SpamAssassin under Mail feature
3.Click on configure SpamAssassin
4.In Blacklist textbox enter the email id which is sending spam mail or enter *@domain name to block the spam mails from the particular domain
5.Click on save.

We advice you to remove the configuration for the mail id and reconfigure it.

Also make sure that you taking the below necessary actions at your end.

[1] Keep your local system free from virus and malware
[2] Always use genuine OS in your system
[3] Use anti-virus,firewall and anti-malware tools to protect your system
[4] Always use tough passwords like 3r48d*#R#T&3023r
[5] Keep Changing the passwords for mails.
[6] We can also enable spf and domain keys to control it.

Please follow the below procedure to enable the DKIM and SPF for the domain.

For creating DKIM :

1.Login to your Cpanel
2.Click Email authentication under Mail feature
3.Click on Enable Domain keys.

For creating SPF :

1.Login to your cpanel
2.Click Email Authentication under Mail feature
3.Click on Enable SPF.


1.Login to your WHM
2.Under DNS Functions click Edit DNS Zone
3. Click on the Domain for which you enabled DKIM and SPF

where you can view the Domain keys entries and SPF entries in the DNS zone.

There are a few more things you can do to build your email sender reputation and improve your email campaign performance:

[1] Check your mail server’s IP address against DNS based blacklists
[2] Whitelist your server with ISPs
[3] Share your email address only with people you know
[4] Ignore junk email or instant messages
[5] Add people to your safe senders list or to your blocked senders list
[6] Choose a junk email filter
[7] Look for pre-selected check boxes
[8] Block content from unknown senders
[9] Disguise your email address
[10] Improve your computer’s security
[11] Be careful who you give your email address to. This includes websites and anyone you might email.
[12] Create and use disposable email addresses to sign up for websites or services that you do not absolutely trust.
[13] Be sure not to open spam when you do receive it.
[14] Make sure your computer and computers on your network are virus and malware free.
[15] Make sure your website is free of malware and security vulnerabilities. If you are using a third party script or code on your site, this usually means running the latest secure version.
[16] Use secure passwords for your email and hosting account to prevent hackers from guessing and logging in.
[17] If your friends are sending you emails sent to a large recipient list, request that they use BCC instead of TO or CC, so that other recipients cannot see your email address; or request they stop including you if you do not want to receive the emails.
[18] Do not list your email address on your website or anywhere the public can access it.

Here are several tips to follow and adopt to improve your reputation and deliverability:

Sender Addresses:

[1] Avoid using free web-based email addresses (Gmail, Hotmail, etc) for your sender addresses.Use custom domain email address that is linked to your website.
[2] You will able to setup DKIM & SPF, which will allow for email authentication by the recipient servers.
[3] Ensure your website is active and running. Sending email from an address that is linked to an inactive or blank website will make ISPs suspicious.

Emails Contents:

[1] Do not use ALL CAPITALIZED WORDS in your subject line or body.
[2] Avoid using spammy type words (‘Free’, ‘Sale’, ‘Cash’, ‘Limited Time Offer’, etc).
[3] Keep your subject line between 35 to 50 characters long. The longer your subject line, the more likely it will be flagged as spam.
[4] Send content that your subscribers have signed up for and are expecting. If you send non-relevant content, your subscribers may mark you as a spammer. And the more people that open your newsletters, the better your reputation.

Contact Lists:

[1] Do not purchase, borrow or copy any third party contact lists. Not only do these types of lists typically contain many spam traps and poor quality email addresses, it is against our policies. (A spam trap is an email address that is not used for communication and it should never receive emails; if it does receive email, then it is considered to be spam.)
[2] Develop good quality contact lists by collect email addresses via an opt-in from your website. A double opt-in process is recommended to eliminate mis-typed or fake email addresses.
[3] Regularly update and clean your contact lists.
[4] Monitor your mailing results, and remove older non-engaging or blocked email addresses.
[5] Focus on the people who are most interested in your newsletters.