How to create a Mysql database in cPanel – Silicon House ?
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Mysql Database creation in cPanel
Linux reseller web hosting comes with cPanel/WHM control panel. You will be able to add Mysql database in cPanel of a particular domain name. Please follow the below procedure to add a Mysql database,
Go to the URL http://domainname/cpanel [ i.e. ]
Login using user name and password
1. Click on MySQL database icon
2. Enter the database name in the New database field
3. Click on Create database
4. The message database created will be displayed
5. Click on Go back.
6. Enter the user name
7. Enter password
8. Click on Create user
9. The message Account created will be displayed
10. Click on Go back
11. Under Add Users to your databases, choose a user from the drop down list
12. Choose a database from the drop down list
13. Check All or the appropriate box under privileges
14. Click on Add user to database
15. The message Account added to access list will be displayed.