Cloudlinux necessary in cpanel linux reseller hosting

Cloudlinux is necessary in cpanel linux reseller hosting servers where It is separate addon which can be used for the server which runs multiple domains with open source CMS installed. It isolates each customer into a separate LVE, which partitions, allocates, and limits server resources, like memory, CPU, and connections in linux reseller hosting. Cloudlinux OS also separates the users from one another to avoid security breaches. This way, unstable scripts or malware are not able to run across your customer sites. By this way you can avoid hack from one customer to another customer in linux reseller hosting.

CageFS separates the users from one another to avoid security breaches. This way, unstable scripts or malware are not able to run across your customer sites. By this way you can avoid hack from one customer to another customer.

The benefits of CageFS are:
1. Only safe binaries are available to user
2. User will not see any other users, and would have no way to detect presence of other users & their user names on the server
3. User will not be able to see server configuration files, such as Apache config files
4. User’s will have limited view of /proc file system, and will not be able to see other’ users processes