Reseller Web Hosting

How do I Check and Repair MySQL Database issues in cPanel ?

Linux reseller web hosting comes with cPanel/WHM control panel. You will be able to add MySQL database in cPanel of a particular domain name. If you experience problems with a database, check your databases for errors. And if any issues with MySQL Databases it have to be corrected to solve the website issues and make the site live.

Procedure to Check a database Check MySQL Database issues:

* Go to the URL http://domainname/cpanel [ i.e. ]

* Login using user name and password

* Click on MySQL database icon

To check a database for errors, perform the following steps:

1.In the Check Database menu, select the database that you wish to check.

2.Click Check Database. A new interface will appear, and the system will check whether the database functions correctly.

*If the system detects a problem in the database, it displays the name of the corrupt table.
*If the Check Complete message displays, the database functions correctly.

3.Click Go Back to return to the main interface.

Procedure to Repair a MySQL Database issues:

If one of your databases becomes corrupt, you can attempt to repair it.

To repair a database, perform the following steps:

1.In the Repair Database menu, select the database that you wish to repair.
2.Click Repair Database. A new interface will appear, and the system will attempt to automatically repair the database.

*If the system cannot repair the database, it will attempt to determine the source of the corrupt data.
*If the Repair Complete message displays, the system successfully repaired the database.

Click Go Back to return to the main interface.