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How to create a table in a database under a domain in cPanel / WHM ?


Linux Dedicated Server, Linux Reseller Hosting and Linux Business Hosting are part of Linux Web Hosting comes with cPanel/WHM Control Panel. In this article, we will learn how to create a table in a Database under a domain in cPanel/WHM Control Panel. They are many features in cPanel/WHM Control Panel to configure your domain name with E-mail, DNS, Databases and FTP.


1. You will require Login details for the cPanel/WHM Control Panel.

Important Notes

1. You will require MYSQL Database of the Domain in cPanel/WHM Control Panel.

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1. Log in to your cPanel/WHM Control Panel.

2. In the Database section, click “phpMyAdmin”.

1. Click phpMyAdmin

3. Choose the preferred database from phpMyAdmin left-hand menu and Select the “database”.

2. Select the Database

 4. Look for “create table” and enter the “Name” of the MySQL table in the name field and in the text box enter the “Number of columns”.

3. Enter Table Name & No. of Column

5. Click on “Create” button.

4. Click Create

6. Now, you will see a table appearing on the screen, enter the proper data in the boxes provided.

7. Click “Save”.

5. Click Save


We have successfully learnt to create a table in a database under a domain in cPanel / WHM Control Panel. They are many features in cPanel/WHM Control Panel to configure your domain name with E-mail, DNS, Databases and FTP. For more details about best Semi-Dedicated Hosting in India Click Here.