Introduction #
In this article, we will learn how to access the phpMyAdmin in cPanel / WHM Control Panel. In cPanel there are many features to configure your domain name with E-mail, DNS, Databases and FTP. Linux Web Hosting such as Linux Dedicated Servers, Small Business Web Hosting, Linux Reseller Web Hosting comes with cPanel/WHM Control Panel.
Prerequisites #
1. You will require Login details for the Domain name.
Important Notes #
1. Make sure you should have a domain in your cPanel/WHM Control Panel.
Watch the Video #
Procedure #
1. Login to your cPanel / WHM Control Panel.
2. Click “phpMyAdmin”, under Databases.
3. You will navigate to phpMyAdmin interface.
Conclusion #
We have successfully learnt to access phpMyAdmin in cPanel / WHM Control Panel. There are many features in cPanel Control Panel to configure your domain name with E-Mail, Databases, FTP and DNS. For more details about best Linux Semi Dedicated Web Hosting in India click here.