How do I put Announcements in my Reseller Account ?
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Zero Deposit Domain Reseller Account allows you to signup the Domain Reseller account with free of cost. In the Domain Reseller Account you can manage unlimited domains under your Domain Control Panel. You can register a new domains with cheapest domain prices and you can put the announcements which is you want.
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Procedure to put the Announcements in Domain Reseller Account:
You can follow the below given procedure for displaying Announcements in your Sub-Resellers and/or Customers Control Panels:
Sub-Resellers only the first time they login and then onwards appear in the Announcement box on the first page of their Control Panel
You can Add/Modify/Delete an Announcement
Adding an Announcement:
1]Login into your domain control panel >> Customers (or) Subreseller >> Announcement
2]Click on Add
3]Give Title , Teaser, Body , Start Date , Expiry date and choose “Show Announcement to”
Title: This is the main heading under which the Announcement will be displayed in plain text to your Customers / Sub-Resellers.
Teaser: This is a short text summary of the Announcement and is displayed next to the Title.
Body: Here you can mention the complete content of your Announcement in HTML. You would have to define Line Breaks by specifying appropriate tags like
, while paragraphs need to be enclosed and tags.
Start Date: This is the date from when you want an Announcement to start appearing in your Customer’s / Sub-Reseller’s Control Panels.
Expiry Date: This is the date from when you want to stop showing this Announcement to your Customers / Sub-Resellers.
Show Announcement to: You can choose to display an Announcement to either your Customers / Sub-Resellers or both, by selecting the appropriate radio button.
Modifying an Announcement:
1]Login into your domain control panel >> Customers (or) Subreseller >> Announcement
2]Click on the Title link of Announcement that you wish to modify and hit the Modify button.
3]Modify and Submit
If you wish to modify an announcement whose Start Date has already passed, then you have to Delete it and add the corrected announcement.
Deleting an Announcement:
1]Login into your domain control panel >> Customers (or) Subreseller >> Announcement
2]Click on the Title link of Announcement that you wish to Delete and hit the Delete button
3]Click on Ok.
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