Domain Reseller Account Management
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Silicon House provides FREE Zero Deposit Domain Reseller Account for all of our Resellers and Customers to kick start their domain business. Here you can able to maintain unlimited domains in single panel also you can able to earn some profit along with your reseller hosting business.
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Kick Start
Start Your Domain Business
We are offering FREE Zero Deposit Domain Reseller Account to our Resellers. Here they can able to sell the domains to their customers and earn additional profit along with hosting.
How do I become a domain reseller Account?
Please follow the below steps to signup the domain reseller account
1.Go to the URL
2.Fill up the required details
3.And add the funds instantly and start register the domain
4.To Add the Funds in your account please refer the below steps,
You can add funds using Credit Cards / Debit Cards and Net Banking also
1. Login to your domain reseller account at
2. Click on MY Billing >> Add Funds >> VISA/NETBANKING/DEBITCARDS [ 2.5 Percent Transaction Fee ]
3. Supply the amount you want to add in US Dollars
4. Complete the transaction
5. Click on MY Billing >> Account Summary to view whether the funds are added to your account
1.How do I Renew domain name as a Reseller ?
2.How do I Renew my customers domain name ?
3.How do I Renew my sub-Reseller domain name ?
4.How do I Cancel the pending renewal order ?
5.How do I Renew domain for multiple year ?
1)How do I Transfer a domain name as a Reseller ?
2)How do I transfer domain name from Another Registrar to SiliconHouse ?
3) How do I cancel the domain Transfer Request ?
4) How do I Transfer the bulk domains ?
5) What are the steps need to follow before initiate the domain Transfer ?
6) How do I get the Secret / Authorization Code from registrar ?
7) How do I confirm the domain transfer has been completed ?
Control Panel
1.How do I Modify the Domain Control Panel Password ?
2.How do I Reset my domain control Panel Password ?
3.How do I find the Available Balance in my domain control Panel ?
4.How do I change the selling Price in domain control Panel?
5.How do I brand the Supersite and Partnersite URL in Linux ?
6.How do I brand the Supersite and Partnersite URL in Windows ?
7.How do I change the Logo in my supersite ?
8.How do I reset my customer domain Control Panel Password ?
9.How do I reset my Sub-Reseller domain Control Panel Password ?
10.How do I put the Announcements in my Reseller Account ?