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Windows dedicated server hosting has plesk control panel where you can host domain via plesk onyx panel. You can upload files for the domain hosted in windows dedicated server using filemanager or third party software such as filezilla. This article will show you to upload your files via third party software “Filezilla”.
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Please download ftp software like Filezilla.
- Click on File >> Site Manager
- Click on New Site option
Supply the following details
Host : ftp.domainname ( or ) A record ip
port : 21
Protocol: FTP-File Transfer Protocol
Encryption: Only use plain FTP (insecure)
Logon Type : Normal
User : your ftp user name
Password : your ftp password
Click on connect.
- Now you should be able to view the local system in left side and server in the right side
- You can now start uploading the contents in your httpdocs directory.
Screen Shots
Refer Screen Shots
Troubleshooting FAQs
Dedicated Hosting Plesk Troubleshooting FAQs
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