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Windows dedicated server has plesk control panel which allows you to enable hotlink protection.The HotLink Protection tool allows you to prevent other websites from directly linking to files from your website.
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[1] Access your control panel at
[ ! Notes ]
The control panel url starts with https:// and not http.
[ ! Notes ]
[a] You must have port 8443 access enabled in your internet connection to access this control panel. Usually it is enabled, but if you are in a network and if your are not able to access this, please contact your network admin and enable this port.
[2] Supply the user name & password provided by Silicon House.
[ ! Notes ]
Give the correct user name and password .
[3] Click on subscriptions
[4] Click on subscription name
[5] Click on Hotlink Protection
[6] Click on Switch On
[7] Enter Protected files extensions and Addresses of friendly websites
[8] Click on ok
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Dedicated Hosting Plesk Troubleshooting FAQs
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