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Windows dedicated server hosting allows you to create database via plesk onyx panel. You can create and manage databases such as MSSQL,MYSQL for the domain hosted in windows dedicated server.
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- Login to your plesk windows dedicated server
- Click on Subscriptions
- Click on Subscription name
- Click on Website & Domains
- Click on Databases
NOTE : Database option will be visible only when you allocate database resources in your package for that domain. so make sure you allocate database resources in the hosting packages which is allocated for that domain.
- Click on Add Database
- Enter the following details
Database name * – Enter the database name which you want to create
Database server – Choose the database server MYSQL or MSSQL
NOTE: For MSSQL database you need to have plesk power pack license in order to create the database from plesk control panel.
Related site – Choose the site under which you want to create the database
Create a default database user. Plesk will access the database on behalf of this user. If no database users are assigned to the database, it is not accessible.
Enable Create a database user
Database user name * – Enter the database user which has to be mapped with database
New password *
Confirm password *
NOTE : Use Password Generator to generate tough password.
Now you have successfully created the database which you can use it in your application connection string.
Screen Shots
Refer Screen Shots
Troubleshooting FAQs
Dedicated Hosting Plesk Troubleshooting FAQs
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