How can I Set the Dedicated IP as a Shared IP for one Reseller Accouont ?
Linux Dedicated Server have the option to allocate the dedicated IP for whole Reseller account as a shared IP to show the reseller as his accounts are hosted in the individual IP address whcih will not create problem if server main IP address have any issues.
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Allocating Dedicated IP To Reseller Account In Dedicated Server
Using the below procedure you can make your Dedicated IP as a Shared IP,
1.Login to the WHM as root user.
2. Go to the path,
Home » IP Functions » Show IP Address Usage
3. Check the available IP address which you are going to make shared IP.
4. Then Go to the path,
Manage Reseller’s IP Delegation >> select the reseller username >> Submit >> Restricted delegation >>Select the IP >> Save
5. After that give shared privilage using the below step
Manage Reseller’s Shared IP >> select the reseller username >> Submit >> Choose the shared IP(new Ip) allocated for the reseller account >> Save.